Today we have an interview with Max Fosh also known as Maximus Bucharest, he is a 24 year old YouTube content creator from London. His start to YouTube was when he attended Newcastle university studying English literature, his plan was to initially go into radio. He has always been a massive fan of the medium radio has to offer, he spent three years learning to hone his radio skills at radio Tyneside a hospital radio station. Today he still uses alot of the skills he learned, which he uses in his videos. Fosh has an audience of over 100,000 people but YouTube is where his main audience is. Personally I discovered him through a YouTube video where he got dressed up and went to London fashion week where he got loads of attention when it all was just a joke to see if he can get attention wearing the worst outfit they can create, which was a success but after that the rest of his video caught and kept my attention. As you read this interview you will get to know max a little more as well as what he is about.

How and why did you start YouTube?
I initially started making videos on YouTube during my time at Newcastle University. I’d always wanted to make videos but was too scared to start. I had an idea of creating my own chat show with students who were out partying. I knew that I need to set myself a challenge that would give me that push to go out and actually make some content. The goal I set myself was to make 5 videos in 5 days and I’d had never used editing software before. After the week was over I showed a few of my friends who said they found it funny and asked whether I was going to continue. My response: why not?
When you go on the streets to interview random people, what connection are you trying to make with them?
I’m not really trying to get anything out of them other than just having a good time. It is always much better if the people I am interviewing feel relaxed and it translates well into the video. So, the only connection I am trying to make is one of ease.

Is creativity a key component for you when you are creating content for your channel?
Yes of course! The only component!
What kind of mindset do you want people to have when it comes to watching your videos?
I honestly don’t mind what mindset they have when they’re watching the videos as long as they finish watching them feeling entertained. I’m not trying to make any bigger statements with the videos, just to hopefully make them feel entertained.
When doing interviews on the street you can run into different kinds of people, what is the craziest thing someone has said or done while you have interacted with them?
A lot of people think that I am some sort of official television channel and so often ask me whether I am from the BBC or ITV. That is always pretty funny. The craziest thing is a toss up between meeting a girl with a diaper on her head, having two people start dating after meeting whilst being interviewed and being asked to FaceTime someone’s best friend.
How does/did it feel to get so much attention at London fashion week when it was just a stunt for fun?
When we went and filmed the fashion week video, I was incredibly nervous for what was going to happen. It is always easy to watch the video and know that it is going to work out but when I was doing it, I was petrified. We had done it all in about 24 hours so we were just making things up as we went along. But seeing the response from the video was utterly crazy. Getting messages from people around the world and being sent pictures of publications that ran the story was cool. The explosion that the video saw on Weibo though was definitely the highlight. I woke up one day to lots of Mandarin comments on my Instagram. One however, said that I was famous in China. They sent me a screenshot of their social media site Weibo. The video had been re-uploaded and had 15million views. That was really mad.

We saw that you made a connection whilst you were in character at London fashion week, has that opportunity taken off to greater things for you?
Not yet, but there is always time!
After that experience would you think of trying to get into the fashion industry?
I don’t think so. We were purely doing it as a joke and to try and prove that anyone can make it in the fashion industry. If anything, Maximus will only continue in the fashion industry as an ‘anti-model’. Someone to bring a bit of comedy into the fashion industry.
Would you ever do something like that again?
Expect things very very soon.
Social media handles:
Max Fosh on YouTube
@max.fosh on Instagram
