Harmonizing is like the new Bars and Punchlines. And Chicago Artist CoshaTG is one of the best at it
CoshaTG or @MusicbyCosha is a rising artist that has a style, swag, and sound we all should get familiar with. Autotune like sounds are dominating the Music industry right now. So much so that many people are saying the industry is being over saturated with this sound. Luckily enough, CoshaTG is able to add his own unique touch to his music which makes his sound unlike any other. CoshaTG is also more than capable of dropping bars when needed. His music takes many different turns and creates a somewhat different vibe for every song. Its as if each beat brings out a different sound. As much as harmonizing is dominating the game, trying to locate an artist to compare CoshaTG with is difficult. He simply has a twist of his own that makes him different than anything you have ever seen before. And he proves it consistently. Even more lately by delivering high quality music with his two new singles .“RED LIGHT” and “Black Camaro +++”.
He has also hinted at dropping visuals for one of the two tracks, as well as a SMASH SINGLE he has been teasing by the name of “Ackin”.
CoshaTG has even been noticed and co signed by major artist like LilDurk and SupremePatty. And has also recently signed to Chicago Based Label “Good Vibes Forever (GVF+++)”

All in All, I think its safe to say if you haven’t heard of CoshaTG yet. You will soon.
He has given us a lot to look out for this summer and at the pace he’s moving its only going to go up from here.
For any updates on his Music and future endeavors
And also on Soundcloud @CoshaTG